Facilities and features
Available in the Church Centre.
Available in the accessible toilet in the Church Centre
Bicycle securing rails are just outside Church Centre
This includes two spaces reserved for those with limited mobility
An accessible toilet is located in the Church Centre, adjacent to the church
2 disabled parking spaces, + Generous parking spaces
Wheel Chair Ramp available to provide access up one step.
An induction loop is provided within the Church and the Church Centre
We welcome assistance dogs to all our services
We are registered as a dementia friendly church
Please ask if this is a requirement.
Gluten free wafers are always available at holy communion
Our Building
We are working towards our silver award
We are an Arts and Crafts Grade 2* listed building, designed by the Architect Caroe. The church is widely considered to be an architectural gem.
Music and Worship
The church is used by several community choirs who rehearse in our building and regularly offer concerts both in church and elsewhere
Our midweek Holy Communion Service on Wednesdays at 10.30am alternates between BCP and CW.
At Christmas and Easter an 8am BCP Holy Communion service is offered
We have a regular choir that leads our sung worship at all our services. There is a blend of traditional and more contemporary worship, including Iona, Taize. We use Hymns of Glory and AMNS but include music from elsewhere on a regular basis. The choir often prepares an anthem. Elements of the communion service are still sung. On occasion other instruments are brought in to lead the worship (flute, guitar).
Groups, Courses and Activities
Coffee mornings are held bimonthly on a Saturday morning from 10-12 noon.
Held through out the year, follow our Facebook page to keep up to date.
Colehill Community Choir and Local Vocals, an a Capella group meet weekly in the Church
There are regular Yoga and Dance Groups in the Church Centre
The Mother's Union Meet ever second Thursday in the Church Centre at 2pm.
Cherubs Parent and Toddler Group runs from 9:30am to 11:15am in the Church Centre, every Friday in Term Time.
See their website http://cherubstoddlergroup.wixsite.com/cherubstoddlergroup for more information.
Cherubs, our mums and tots group, meet every Friday morning in term time from 9.30am to 11.15am
Help for Visitors
Colehill Community Cafe meets in the Church Centre on Wednesdays (break at Christmas Easter and for a period during August). This is run by volunteers from the church and the community, with the aim of providing a welcoming space for people of all ages to come and enjoy a cheap nutritious meal.
The church is open on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. At other times please contact the vicar on 01202 883721 if you wish to gain access
Other Features
We support Fairtrade and ensure that we mainly use Fairtrade products.
Collection points for Wimborne Food Bank are in the Church and Church Centre. All donations gratefully received.
All our services are now livestreamed, and the service is projected onto a screen in church for all to follow
We have two rooms for hire, the main hall and the smaller Alec Moore Room. Bookings are made through our parish administrator, for more information, please see our website.