LENT COURSE Started on Thursday March 2nd.

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Winfrith Newburgh: St Christopher. Parish of the Lulworths, Winfrith Newburgh and Chaldon Herring
St Christopher's Church, High Street, Winfrith Newburgh Dorchester, DT2 8JR, United Kingdom

This course is being held in the D'Urbeville Hall, Colliers Lane, Wool. It is based on 'West Side Story'. The course is now in its third week and runs until April 6th.
If you would like to join and for further details from The Church Office Tel. 07729 484866. Email - '[email protected]'

The first date was 3 hours to see the film, after that from 2-4pm

Winfrith Newburgh: St Christopher. Parish of the Lulworths, Winfrith Newburgh and Chaldon Herring

The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Paul Pinnock, 01929 400143, [email protected]

Get in touch

Giles Marsh, Churchwarden

Church Warden
01929 400259
What's on

LENT COURSE Started on Thursday March 2nd.

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Winfrith Newburgh: St Christopher. Parish of the Lulworths, Winfrith Newburgh and Chaldon Herring
St Christopher's Church, High Street, Winfrith Newburgh Dorchester, DT2 8JR, United Kingdom

This course is being held in the D'Urbeville Hall, Colliers Lane, Wool. It is based on 'West Side Story'. The course is now in its third week and runs until April 6th.
If you would like to join and for further details from The Church Office Tel. 07729 484866. Email - '[email protected]'

The first date was 3 hours to see the film, after that from 2-4pm