A SAD LOSS: Janet Enoch, a long-standing member of St Mark’s, passed away on Monday 3rd February after a short illness. Janet had been a great encouragement to Carol and me when we first arrived at St Mark’s. She was the first person to volunteer for the post-Covid Refreshment Rota, and always willing to be part of any venture in the Church. We will miss her greatly, but know that she will rest in peace and rise in glory.
UNITED WE STAND: A good number of St Mark’s members attended the Churches Together United Service at Emmanuel Baptist Church, and 3 of us were part of the music group. EBC was full to capacity, and the refreshments and fellowship were so good that nobody wanted to leave!
MORE BUILDING WORK: We are continuing our efforts to make St Mark’s building more welcoming and useful. The Meeting Room has new heating, the loo is being refurbished, and plans are afoot to re-decorate, re-carpet and improve access to the Meeting Room. We are working towards a scheme to open up some space at the back of the church and hope to submit a Faculty application this year.
IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN: St Mark’s AGM will be on Sunday 16th March, following the morning service. An AGM is a time to look back and review, and to look forward with faith and hope. I want to say a sincere Thank You to all who have served on the Church Committee and PCC during the year, with special thanks to John and Anne, our wonderful Church Wardens, and to Marion, who does so much to make everything run smoothly at St Mark’s. Our Church Committee meetings during the past year have been positive and forward looking – a tribute to the great people who have served as leaders. Please pray for our meeting and elections.
A SAFER CHURCH: Recent sad events have reminded us all of the need to learn more about Safeguarding at our churches. St Mark’s will celebrate Safeguarding Sunday on 16th March. Jo Levasier will preach on that day, and we hope (technical stuff permitting) to show a short film on Safeguarding after the service on Sunday 9th March.
St Mark’s Lent Lunch, with proceeds to Christian Aid, Friday 14th March, 12noon onwards.
St Mark’s goes Global Saturday 22nd March, 7pm. This is a chance for our well-travelled congregation to show us some of their holiday snaps from exotic and less exotic places. There will also be light refreshments, and a fun quiz. It’s FREE, with donations to Christian Aid. Everyone, and their friends, welcome!
Rev Dave Richards