News - July 2024


July is almost upon us and already Swanage is preparing for the busy summer season. Swanage, like most seaside towns have thousands of visitors, especially in the summer months, some new visitors and some who are regular visitors, returning to our beautiful town and countryside.

We have had several events in the town already; including Steam Train events, a Pirate Festival, and a Fairy Festival. Many other events are planned, including the Town Band Concerts, the Jazz Festival, and of course our annual Carnival and Carnival Parade which is always exciting, fun and eventful.

At the end of May, several of us joined Bishop Karen on the St Aldhelm Pilgrimage. We had a lovely walk in the sunshine and celebrated Holy Communion in the chapel. Several of us had taken a picnic lunch and then took the opportunity to have a walk around the historic site. I went to see the nearby memorial to Dr Bill Penley, CB, CBE, Radar Pioneer, whose scientific works had such a significant role in World War Two. Bill Penley will also be dearly remembered for being a faithful member and a Church Warden of St Marks.

On Saturday 8th June, the Royal British Legion and Swanage Town marked the D-Day 80-year Commemorations with a Military Parade through the town followed by a Service at the War Memorial.

On Sunday 9th June at 3:30pm we held a musical extravaganza, in aid of the Herston Village Hall Youth Club’s Summer Holiday programme, with a varied programme of light music and verse, raising an amazing sum of £600.00. Several members of the Youth Club attended and were delighted with the generous donation received.

On Sunday 21st July we will be looking forward to meeting our new Team Curate, Rev. Natalie Davies. We hope that Natalie and her family will be very happy in Swanage and we’ll be sure to give Natalie a very warm ‘St Marks Welcome! Definitely an occasion for cake!

On Sunday 28th July we will join with Churches Together in Swanage for the Carnival Service (full details to follow) There will be no service at St Marks that morning.

The church garden is looking beautiful and colourful, now, and especially the wonderful roses! With special thanks to David Hudson and Tony Nash, who keep the garden looking so lovely.

Looking forward to August; we are planning a Pimms and Hymns afternoon tea in the church garden, on Sunday 4th August. A ‘free event’ with donations to Cancer Research. (providing the church wall has been repaired) Further details nearer the date.

Swanage my Happy Place!

May God Bless and Keep You

Anne Roper

Church Warden