News - June 2024


Sunday 2nd June - 10am Holy Communion

Tuesday 4th June - 7pm Bible Study Group

Sunday 9th June - 10am Holy Communion

Sunday 9th June - 3.30pm Afternoon Concert of light music and verse by St Mark's musicians and friends, followed by refreshments

Sunday 16th June - 10am Holy Communion

Tuesday 18th June - 7pm Bible Study Group

Sunday 23rd June - 10am Holy Communion

Sunday 30th June - 10am Celebration Service with St Mark’s Band

Every Week:

Choir Rehearsal - Mondays 6:15 - 7pm

Prayer and Share - Wednesdays 10am – 10.45am.

You don't need me to tell you that, as we approach the mid-point of the year, Swanage has undertaken its transformation from the peaceful (!) town it has been through the winter and spring months into a full-blown seaside resort. The winter storm protection blocks disappeared a few months ago, the roofs have been taken off some of the double decker buses, the deck chairs have appeared, along with various huts on the beach-front. Visitors have taken over and, except in the very worst weather, people in large numbers are all over the beach. The visitors are not only on the seafront and in the shops; it is the time of year when we hope to be in a position to welcome some of them into our services. I know that they will get a good welcome in St Mark's and the other churches in the town; just as we would hope for such a welcome if we strayed into an unfamiliar church when we were on holiday.

In May we celebrated the last two major festivals of the church year for a while - Ascension Day on the 9th and Pentecost on the 19th. From now on, until Advent, we have our familiar pattern of services and the opportunity to explore in our readings, hymns and sermons other aspects of our faith, not directly related to the themes of the great festivals.

This rather "quieter" time allows Anne and me to thank all those members of St Mark's who do so much to make our services the enjoyable and spiritually satisfying times that they are. This includes those who welcome everyone who comes through the door, who read lessons and lead intercession as well as our wonderful musicians (who, as well as being on duty on a Sunday, will be "on show" at our afternoon concert on 9th June). There are those who arrange flowers at times when nobody is looking, who deliver church magazines, who look after our garden and keep the kitchen and other parts of our church clean. So many skills were on show, and time willingly given, on our "Many Hands at St Mark's" Day in April. People were polishing pews, dusting odd corners, both on the floor and on ladders, clearing the shed, taking rubbish to the tip, weeding the garden and doing so much more, including, of course, providing refreshment for those doing the other jobs.

It was a very pleasant social activity as well and the more usual social events have continued with the wonderful Pizza Night in April and the visit from the Purbeck Village Quire last month. I have already mentioned the "home grown" concert to come at 3.30pm on the 9th June. Other events are planned - watch this space! If you're feeling left out, we are planning another "Many Hands" day later in the year - and we are always on the lookout for other people to act as welcomers, lesson readers and leaders of intercessions. Do speak to either Anne or me if you want to join the teams.

May I wish you all a happy summer ahead.

John Way
