These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Palm Sunday

for 1 hour
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

Starting in the Church Hall we hear the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and receive palm crosses to remind us of the cost of our redemption. We process to the church for the story of Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion. The crowd who shouted ‘Hosanna’ at the beginning of the week are shouting ‘Crucify him’ instead by the end of the week.


Every day at for 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

An ancient office meaning ‘completion’. A 20-minute service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day.

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion

for 1 hour
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

The day of the last supper, Christ’s betrayal, and arrest. The evening service conveys both the solemnity of the day and the joyful celebration of the institution of Holy Communion. As the service ends the mood shifts as Jesus goes out from the upper room to be deserted, betrayed and arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. The service ends with the altar being stripped bare and the invitation to remain in silent prayer as we recall Jesus’ words to his disciples, ‘Could you not watch with me for one hour?’

Good Friday Walk of Witness

for 2 hours, 15 mins
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

Join the Vicar at 8.45am in the car park to leave for a walk to Poole for a united Ecumenical Service at 10am in the High Street.

Messy Easter

for 2 hours
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

Join JaM (Jesus & me) Children & Family Ministry Team in the Large Hall for a creative journey through Holy Week to Easter.
Booking essential at [email protected]

Reflections at The Cross

for 2 hours
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

In a bare church, the tone is set by the words of Jesus, ‘Weep not for me but for yourselves and your children,’ as we reflect on the love displayed by Jesus on the cross in the face of the weight of human sin which afflicts us all. Beginning with reflection and prayer, 12-1 and 1-2pm. Feel free to come and go on the hour. Ending with a service from 2-3pm as we are confronted with Christ’s death for us on the cross, and our own sin and shame that required such a sacrifice.

An Hour before The Cross

for 1 hour
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

A service from 2-3pm as we are confronted with Christ’s death for us on the cross, and our own sin and shame that required such a sacrifice.

Easter Eve

for 1 hour
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

The service begins in semi-darkness. We hear the story of salvation history, the paschal candle is lit and processed. Light gradually fills the church as we proclaim Christ our Light, risen from the dead. The service continues as we renew our baptismal vows and prepare for our Easter Communion the next day.

Easter Day Communion

for 30 mins
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

The greatest of all Christian festivals. The church is beautifully decorated with flowers, and the risen Christ is known to us in the breaking of bread.

Easter Day Holy Communion

for 1 hour
St George Oakdale
Darbys Lane, Oakdale Poole, BH15 3EU, United Kingdom

The greatest of all Christian festivals. The church is beautifully decorated with flowers, and the risen Christ is known to us in the breaking of bread