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St Mary's Lytchett Matravers - SMLM
Welcome to St Mary's Church, Lytchett Matravers. We are a community mainly gathered from the village of Lytchett Matravers who come together to worship and come to know Jesus Christ in different ways, to share fellowship with one another and to serve God in mission across our local area.
Our Core Values: Welcoming - Offering a warm welcome and prayer for all, inspired by the open arms of Jesus.
Connecting - Being guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit to connect together as a church family and with wider communities.
Blessing - Sharing hope and love as a real presence in our community through making Jesus known in imaginative ways.
Growing - Learning, as disciples, through prayer, study and application, taking God seriously, whilst not taking ourselves too seriously.
Stewarding - Caring for God’s creation. Honouring our church and individual heritage, whilst leaving a legacy of God’s love for future generations.
Lytchett Minster
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