Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 40 mins
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion with a short sermon. We use traditional language at this service and we use the Book of Common Prayer on the first Sunday of each month.

Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

A service using modern language with hymns and a sermon and followed by refreshments in the hall. Once a month this service takes the form of a Family Service, usually 3rd Sunday but this may sometimes be moved to coincide with special Sundays. Do check with us if that helps.

Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion using Common Worship modern and seasonal language.

Ash Wednesday Eucharist with ashing Morning Service

for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

10.30am with brief homily and ashing - ho hymns.

Ash Wednesday Eucharist with ashing Evening Service

for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

Eucharist with brief homily and ashing and also hymns, 7.30pm.

Cafe Breakfast Church (3rd Saturday)

In January, March, May, July, September, November. Every Third Saturday at for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

Saturday Church for everyone, 3rd Saturday of the month 10 - 11am. At the moment it is once every two months. This is All Age with worship, breakfast and a variety of activities. Very suitable for families. There are activities and crafts for adults, children and toddler play.

Muddy Church

Monthly. Every Third Saturday and Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

Muddy Church is a family-friendly and fun-filled Eco event which takes place once each calendar month in the parish hall and churchyard. It takes place either on a Saturday morning 10.30am - 12 noon or on a Sunday afternoon 3 - 4.30pm. Weather permitting we like to include outdoorsy fun that is good for both us and the planet! So far our events have included Hedgehog Day, painting bird boxes and making bird feeders, going potty about herbs, making compost, and crafty things such as making Christmas wreaths. Do contact us for details or to be added to our mailing list.

Once per calendar month but not a regular slot. Sundays are 3pm - 4.30pm.

Palm Sunday Eucharist with procession and hymns

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

Our Palm Sunday service which begins in the parish hall with the blessing of the palms, processes round the block and ends up in church. Slightly earlier start time of 9.45am.

Maundy Thursday Eucharist 8pm followed by The Watch

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

A beautiful service which remembers the Last Supper. Service finishes around 9.15pm in The Watch, when people may choose to stay in church for a few minutes or up to one hour, as we gather in the Lady Chapel around the Garden of Repose.

Stations of the Cross on Good Friday

for 45 mins
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

We are led around the church, stopping at each of the stations for a short meditation.

Last Hour at the Cross on Good Friday

for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

A moving service as we keep the last hour of Jesus' life with hymns, readings, brief meditations and an opportunity to venerate the cross.

Easter Eve Vigil and Service of Light

for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

A wonderful service which begins outside in darkness around a bonfire, processes into church for the Vigil readings, and moves into a wonderful service of Light and the First celebration and Eucharist of Easter.

Easter Day Eucharist 8am and 10am

for 1 hour
Broadstone: St John the Baptist
St John's Parish Office, Dunyeats Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8AQ which IS our postal address. Or, St John's Church , Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AR (not a postal address) which is the church building., BH18 8AQ, United Kingdom

Our 10am is a joyful celebration of Easter Day with hymns, while our 8am is quiet and reflective. Both are Eucharists.