Related Churches
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Winterborne Houghton
Winterborne Stickland: St Mary
Winterborne Stickland
St Catherine’s Chapel, Milton Abbey
Welcome to St Catherine's Chapel. This small pilgrimage chapel is located in the woods to the east of Milton Abbey. It was built in the late 10th century and was restored in 1901. It is used for occasional worship during the summer months and is available to the public between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm. The key may be obtained, for a small deposit, from Steeptonbill Farm Shop from where it is a short walk through the woods to the chapel.
Milton Abbey
Welcome to Milton Abbey. Set within the grounds of Milton Abbey School, and in the parish of Milton Abbas, the Abbey has been a place of worship for over 1,000 years.
Public worship in the Abbey Church is arranged in agreement with Milton Abbey School who use the building as their school chapel.
Milton Abbey worship is organised by Rev’d Lewis Pearson of the Winterborne Valley and Milton Abbas Benefice.
Winterborne Whitechurch: St Mary
Winterborne Whitechurch
Milton Abbas: St James
Milton Abbas
Turnworth: St Mary
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