for 31 days, 23 hours, 45 mins
Services for December in the Two Rivers Benefice
Everyone Welcome!

Sunday December 1st
10:45 Together Communion at All Saints church, Tarrant Keynston
15:00+16:00 Christingle at Charlton Marshall, crafts 3pm, service 4pm

Sunday December 8th
9:30 Communion at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary
11:00 Communion at All Saints, Langton Long
11:00 Christingle at St Mary’s Church, Tarrant Rushton

Thursday December 12th
19:00 Concert at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall

Sunday December 15th
9:30 Communion at St John The Baptist, Spetisbury
9:30 A Story For Christmas at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
11:00 Communion at All Saints, Tarrant Keynston
15:00 Carol Service at All Saints, Langton Long

Tuesday December 17th
18:00 Carols by Candlelight at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary

Wednesday December 18th
17:00 Family Carols with school choir at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary

Sunday December 22nd
9:30 Communion at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
11:00 Reflective Christmas service at All Saints, Langton Long
11:00 BCP Communion at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary
16:00 Carols by Candlelight at St John The Baptist, Spetisbury
18:30 Carols by Candlelight at All Saints, Tarrant Keynston

Tuesday December 24th
17:00 Carols by Candlelight at St Mary’s Church, Tarrant Rushton
23:30 Midnight Communion by Candlelight at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
Wednesday December 25th
10:00 Christmas Day Communion at St John The Baptist, Spetisbury
10:00 Christmas Day Family Celebration at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
11:00 Christmas Day Communion at All Saints, Langton Long

Sunday December 29th
10:45 Together Communion at St Mary’s Church, Tarrant Rushton

Coffee & Cake – Spetisbury 10:00am – 11:30am 1st and 3rd Monday each month
Coffee & Cake – Blandford St Mary 10:00am – 11:30am Dec 19th

Coffee Stop – Charlton Marshall Parish Centre 10:30 – 12:30 – Tues to Friday

Spetisbury: St John Baptist

St John the Baptist Church stands at the northern end of the village of Spetisbury. Services are held on most Sunday mornings throughout the year. 

We are a small community but, we think, a very generous one and welcome visitors and new members of the congregation very warmly. The origins of the church are medieval with links to an Augustinian monastic settlement in the village. 

The church was much rebuilt in 1858 with the sixteenth century pulpit retained. It contains a fine organ and an impressive peal of six bells rung by an enthusiastic and dedicated team of ringers.

 There are very close links between St John The Baptist and all the other churches in the Benefice

You can always be sure of a warm welcome at St John The Baptist at a Sunday service or at our busy ‘Coffee, Cake and Community Chat’  every 1st and 3rd Monday each month from 10:00 til 11:30am

Adjacent to the church is the Church of England primary school to which some 50+ children from Charlton Marshall attend.

Get in touch

Rev Carolyn Couzens, Rector

What's on

Services for December in the Two Rivers Benefice

for 31 days, 23 hours, 45 mins
All Churches in the Two Rivers Benefice

Services for December in the Two Rivers Benefice
Everyone Welcome!

Sunday December 1st
10:45 Together Communion at All Saints church, Tarrant Keynston
15:00+16:00 Christingle at Charlton Marshall, crafts 3pm, service 4pm

Sunday December 8th
9:30 Communion at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary
11:00 Communion at All Saints, Langton Long
11:00 Christingle at St Mary’s Church, Tarrant Rushton

Thursday December 12th
19:00 Concert at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall

Sunday December 15th
9:30 Communion at St John The Baptist, Spetisbury
9:30 A Story For Christmas at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
11:00 Communion at All Saints, Tarrant Keynston
15:00 Carol Service at All Saints, Langton Long

Tuesday December 17th
18:00 Carols by Candlelight at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary

Wednesday December 18th
17:00 Family Carols with school choir at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary

Sunday December 22nd
9:30 Communion at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
11:00 Reflective Christmas service at All Saints, Langton Long
11:00 BCP Communion at St Mary’s Church, Blandford St Mary
16:00 Carols by Candlelight at St John The Baptist, Spetisbury
18:30 Carols by Candlelight at All Saints, Tarrant Keynston

Tuesday December 24th
17:00 Carols by Candlelight at St Mary’s Church, Tarrant Rushton
23:30 Midnight Communion by Candlelight at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
Wednesday December 25th
10:00 Christmas Day Communion at St John The Baptist, Spetisbury
10:00 Christmas Day Family Celebration at St Mary’s Church, Charlton Marshall
11:00 Christmas Day Communion at All Saints, Langton Long

Sunday December 29th
10:45 Together Communion at St Mary’s Church, Tarrant Rushton

Coffee & Cake – Spetisbury 10:00am – 11:30am 1st and 3rd Monday each month
Coffee & Cake – Blandford St Mary 10:00am – 11:30am Dec 19th

Coffee Stop – Charlton Marshall Parish Centre 10:30 – 12:30 – Tues to Friday


Safeguarding policy
The parishes of Spetisbury with Charlton Marshall and Blandford St Mary take our responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and work in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded below. If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ruth Lamb on 012578 453293 or the Rector Rev. Carolyn Couzens on 01258 858353

Alternatively you can contact one of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, Jem (Jeremy) Carter 07469 857888 or Suzy Futcher: 07500 664800 on [email protected]