Our new vicar!


Dear Friends,

I cannot say how thrilled I am to be joining your family and how grateful we are for the very warm welcome we have received. It is so obvious to us that God is moving in this place and I can see already the shoots of potential and God’s work that we can join in with.

I hope that over the coming weeks I will be able to visit house groups and other activities that members of the congregation attend or lead so that I can begin to see where the work and heart of the people of the church is.

A few of the PCC and I are meeting on Saturday and I hope to be able to get a sense of where it is felt that God has been calling you as a parish and how we can build on this work, as together we strive to share the love of God with the people of Shipley and Saltaire.

If you would like to contact me please feel to email me at [email protected] or call me on 07887707221

We will keep you posted!

