This is just an extract from Octavo - if you would like to receive a copy of the full magazine please contact your Church Warden for a printed copy, or the Benefice Administrator for an e-copy.
What a Christmas that was!With so many carol, crib and Christingle services to choose from this Christmas, it was difficult to know which ones to go to! There was something for everyone, ranging from the traditional to modern, covering Crib, Christingle, Candlelit and even ‘al fresco’ services!Todber tried something new this year, with an ‘Outdoor Carol Service’ and West Stour added Christingles to the crib service, which added extra fun and engagement.The services in Buckhorn Weston were also very popular, and clearly delighted those who went, albeit they very different from each other. Below you’ll find some comments on all our services. If you didn’t make it have a read and see what you missed!Todber Outdoor Carol Service St Andrew's church ceiling is unstable so we decided to hold the carol service outside. For this purpose a pop-up gazebo was acquired and erected behind the church along with lighting, heating, a keyboard and a fire pit. Uncertain of the numbers to expect, we left off one side of the gazebo so that the congregation could overflow into the churchyard. We prayed for fine weather which the Lord kindly arranged. Fourteen people sat in a circle and enjoyed hearty singing. Sparklers were handed out, which was fun. Can't remember the last time I waved one of those around. A family said that they were pleased the service was outside because they would not have come into the church. Afterwards, traditional refreshments were enjoyed around the glowing fire.West Stour Crib and Christingle ServiceThis proved a great success with a congregation of 80+ adults and children, who enjoyed the singing of carols, placing the crib figures in their appropriate places in the crib and the lighting of the Christingles. There was also further entertainment with Alex Pursey playing his fiddle, accompanied by soloist River Munday, from the gallery which more than added to the success of the evening. Mulled wine, hot cordial and cakes made the perfect finishing touch to welcome Christmas Day in the morning. A collection was taken and we were able to send £303.32 to the Children's Society.Buckhorn Weston Christingle ServiceThe Buckhorn Weston Christingle service was as popular as in previous years filling the candlelit church with children, parents and grandparents. It was a joyous service with readings and carols during which the children brought the nativity figures to the crib and Christingles were distributed and lit as well as some of the children singing and explaining the meaning of the Christingles. Afterwards everyone was invited to stay for mulled wine or tea accompanied by Christmas cake and chocolate biscuits.Midnight Holy CommunionBuckhorn Weston hosted the Christmas Eve Midnight Service this year. The Bell ringers welcomed us, and later sent us on our way into the Christmas morning. It was a lovely service with about 60 in the congregation, mainly from the village, but we were pleased to also welcome others from the Benefice and visitors. The church was full of beautiful flowers and we relit the candles from the Christingle service so it had the impression of being candlelit. Clare led a very joyous occasion. Bella Basson sang during the communion.Comments from someone who attended both our services that day said the Christingle service was a wonderful mayhem while the Midnight mass was much more spiritual giving the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks are due to all who participated.Kington Magna Carol Service The Carol Service was opened by Portia’s beautiful solo rendition of the first verse of Once in Royal David’s City. It was a very special moment as she sang and simultaneously lit the candles on the Altar steps. The organ sounded wonderful and the Church was especially well decorated, with displays of seasonal foliage and flowers that were brilliant, causing many lovely comments from visitors and villagers alike. All in all, this event highlighted what a terrific village community we have in Kington Magna, and the many positives we can achieve, working together. Fifehead Magdalen Carols by CandlelightWe had 41 people in attendance at our Carols by Candlelight service who were all in good voice but ready for their warming glass of mulled wine and mince pie afterwards. It was lovely to see the church so beautifully decorated and to have so many people in attendance. Stour Provost Carol Service and Christmas Day ServiceWe were fortunate to be able offer a Carol Service and Christmas Day communion this year. Some 70 people attended the service of carols and readings by candlelight in our beautifully decorated church, and enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. On Christmas Day, a congregation of over 80 people came together for Holy Communion, with more carols and seasonal readings, and a thought-provoking re-enactment of the original Christmas morning. We all left refreshed spiritually and headed home for Christmas lunch!East Stour Carols by Candlelight We had a wonderful carol service that was well attended by villagers and visitors of all ages. The church was beautifully decorated including many hundreds of candles. Afterwards there were mince pies and mulled wine. Stour Row Crib ServiceThe children took part in building the crib, doing some of the readings and did a brilliant job, with a little help from the grown-ups! Then we all enjoyed seasonal refreshments, including hot chocolate and mulled wine!
This is just an extract from Octavo - if you would like to receive a copy of the full magazine please contact your Church Warden for a printed copy, or the Benefice Administrator for an e-copy.
This is just an extract from Octavo - if you would like to receive a copy of the full magazine please contact your Church Warden for a printed copy, or the Benefice Administrator for an e-copy.