Farewell to Rev’d Angus

for 1 hour
The Vicarage School Room
Queen Street Gillingham Dorset, SP8 4DX

There will be a gathering at 12 noon in the Vicarage School Room, Gillingham, for anyone in the benefice who is able to come along for a chance to say farewell. If you are able to provide a plate of finger food (cake/savouries) it will be very much appreciated. Please let your churchwarden know if you are able to help or kindly indicate on the list inside St Mary’s Church. Food can be left in the VSR from 9am on the morning or brought along at 12 noon.
If you would like to contribute to the benefice collection for Angus please put your gift into an envelope either in the collection plate marked "For Angus". Alternatively please give any donations in person to any of our churchwardens or church treasurers marked up in the same way, or you can give by BACS transfer directly into St Mary's account:
St Marys PCC, Account number 97333084, Sort code 09-01-55, Reference - For Angus
Please do not put any money through the letter box of the church office when the office is locked and not in use

St Nicholas, Silton

The beautiful church of St. Nicholas Church Silton is Grade 1 listed.  Set in rolling countryside on the edge of the Blackmore Vale close to Stourhead, parts of the building date back to the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.

Get in touch

Mrs Sheila Williams


PCC Secretary
01747 840220

Our website

What's on

Farewell to Rev’d Angus

for 1 hour
The Vicarage School Room
Queen Street Gillingham Dorset, SP8 4DX

There will be a gathering at 12 noon in the Vicarage School Room, Gillingham, for anyone in the benefice who is able to come along for a chance to say farewell. If you are able to provide a plate of finger food (cake/savouries) it will be very much appreciated. Please let your churchwarden know if you are able to help or kindly indicate on the list inside St Mary’s Church. Food can be left in the VSR from 9am on the morning or brought along at 12 noon.
If you would like to contribute to the benefice collection for Angus please put your gift into an envelope either in the collection plate marked "For Angus". Alternatively please give any donations in person to any of our churchwardens or church treasurers marked up in the same way, or you can give by BACS transfer directly into St Mary's account:
St Marys PCC, Account number 97333084, Sort code 09-01-55, Reference - For Angus
Please do not put any money through the letter box of the church office when the office is locked and not in use


The church of St Nicholas, Silton is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). The Diocese of Salisbury’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors (DSAs) who advise our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm, please contact the PSO, Sarah Snook, or the DSA - details of how to do this can be found using the button below. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority's children or adult social care services. More information and contact details can be found on our dedicated safeguarding webpage.

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