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St Mary the Virgin, Gillingham
Open to God, open to Gillingham
Welcome! We try to be an open, kind and joyful Christian community, loving God, each other and the world. We'd love to meet you at any one of the many activities that go on in the life of this church.
Lots more details can be found here or, if you don't find what you are looking for, please contact our Benefice Administrator on 01747 821598 or [email protected].
St George's, Langham
St George's is a beautiful First World War Memorial chapel used for the major festivals of the Christian year and for weddings, christenings and funerals. St George's is maintained by the Manger family trust and is to be found in the parish of St Mary the Virgin, Gillingham.
St Nicholas, Silton
The beautiful church of St. Nicholas Church Silton is Grade 1 listed. Set in rolling countryside on the edge of the Blackmore Vale close to Stourhead, parts of the building date back to the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.
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