Facilities and features


Toilet in church (with grab bars and removable child seat); 4 toilets in hall, one of which is disabled toilet.

Table, changing mat and disposal bin in hall disabled toilet

In car park

Tarmac car park outside hall, with disabled parking spaces. Parking available in field, beside hall

Toilet in church has grab bars. One of toilets in hall is disabled toilet.

Tarmac car park outside hall includes disabled parking spaces.

On outside wall of hall

Path from car-park to church patch is quite steep but has handrails : we are working on a new less steep path.
Church path has slight slope; main entrance to church is flat.
Hall entrance is sloped

In church

Large print hymn sheets and service books available on request


We are a Dementia Friendly church - you are welcome here

Gluten-free communion wafers are available - please tell one of the welcomers that you would like this.
Gluten-free biscuits available at coffee after church, and at FOSPA teas during the summer - please ask.

We have a wheelchair available, please ask. We are working on a new path from the carpark to make the slope less steep. Entry to both church and hall is level, but there are doors to open to enter church. Our access is not yet perfect! but please ask, we are here to help you.

Our Building

St. Peter's is normally open during daylight hours. There is a prayer tree where you can leave your prayer requests and we will pray for your concerns. There are prayer cards and leaflets for your to take away if you want, also a booklet called "Look around you" which is a prayer-walk around the building. For more about prayer at St. Peter's, see here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/services-and-prayers/prayers/

We have stained glass in the windows to the South and East of the church. You can find out more about the building here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/church-building/

St. Peter's has a Silver EcoChurch award - see https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/eco-church/
We are also trying to become carbon net-zero - see https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/carbon-net-zero/

St. Peter's is a Grade 1 listed building. You can find out more about the Christian history of this site here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/church-history/
and more about the building here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/church-building/

Music and Worship

St. Peter's has a ring of six bells. Find out more at https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/music-bells/

We hold occasional concerts in church, and have a band (brass or jazz) at our Summer Family Day on the field.

You can fine out more about our organ here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/music-bells/

8am Communion service is BCP on 2nd Sunday of each month
Monthly Evensong is BCP on 1st Sunday of each month

Our choir shares regularly in our worship - find out more here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/music-bells/

The Music Group includes instrumentalists and singers - details at https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/music-bells/

Groups, Courses and Activities

Come and join us for Alpha at The Fleece - details and dates here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/alpha/ or phone 830306 - a warm welcome awaits!

For details and dates of our study groups, please see https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/study-groups/

We have coffee after our Sunday morning service and also our famous FOSPA Teas (FOSPA stands for Friends of St. Peter's Addingham), which run every Sunday from the end of May to the end of September - we've just completed our 41st year, and we look forward to welcoming you in Spring of 2025! Find out more at https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/social-events/

Our Wulfherans group (named after Archbishop Wulfhere of York who came to live at St. Peter's for two years in 867AD when the Vikings sacked York) meets each month - a warm welcome awaits you, to visit or to join. https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/social-events/

You don't have to face your bereavement alone; at St. Peter’s many of us have experienced grief ourselves, in a variety of ways and at different ages, so whatever your situation you’ll find a lot of no-strings quiet sympathy and gentle support here; tears and smiles equally welcome. You can contact the church office on 01943 830306 or the Rector on 07866 298 892, and you may also like to know that bereavement counsellor Jo Onions, a member of St. Peter’s, holds a free bereavement group in the village each month – contact her for details on 07927 769400.
Find out more at https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/bereavement-support/

A Pilates group meets in our hall on Wednesdays - details from 01943 830306

Come and share in our monthly Messy Church meal and activities on Sunday afternoon - check dates here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/whats-on/three-months/ or contact Tamsin our Children and Family worker on [email protected]
For details of children and family events at St. Peter's see
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084851735663 or

Little Blossoms Babies and Toddlers at St. Peter's takes place in our hall on Mondays - contact Hayley & Stacy 07837 178094
Following on from Little Blossoms, on the first Monday each month at 11.30 there is a Rainbow Tots service in church, and on the third Thursday each month at 11.30 there is a Teddies and Toddlers service in church - designed for little ones.

Meets every Monday in term time at 5.15pm - get in touch for more details 01943 830306

Help for Visitors

We are always happy to introduce visitors to our lovely church.

We offer leaflets about the church building and the roof, and a prayer walk around the features of the building. On Summer Sundays, there is an audio tour available for you to listen to.

Every Sunday from the end of May to the end of September we run our famous FOSPA Teas (FOSPA stands for Friends of St. Peter's Addingham) - we've just completed our 41st year, and we look forward to welcoming you in Spring of 2025! Find out more at https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/life-at-st-peters/social-events/

Every Sunday from the end of May to the end of September, as part of our FOSPA Teas (see above) we run a very popular Bric-A-Brac stall to re-use and re-cycle a myriad of household items - come and see!

St. Peter's is normally open during daylight hours. We have many visitors walking in the grounds, visiting the churchyard, and coming into church to pray or to share in its peace and beauty.

Other Features

St. Peter's is a FairTrade Church https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/fairtrade/

We collect non perishable food and toiletry donations on the first Sunday of every month and deliver to the Salvation Army in Keighley who share these with local families in need. Find out more, including a list of requested items, at https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/food-bank/

St. Peter's is a Grade 1 Listed building, and the whole of the grounds is a Scheduled Monument. You can find out more at these links

You can hire St. Peter's hall for events - details here https://stpetersaddingham.org.uk/information/hall-bookings/