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Open Table Weymouth – An inclusive, loving community of people, growing in the Christian faith together in love.

Weymouth is a vibrant seaside town; it seems to smile all the time! That’s one of the reasons behind us wanting to make sure that the smiles continue for everyone, in a welcoming, hospitable way at church.

Open Table Weymouth is an expression of a loving, inclusive community of faith. We are learning from our network of Inclusive Open Table churches around the UK, how to offer a safe, church space for members of the LGTBQIA+ community, their friends, families and allies.

Our home is within Holy Trinity Church – the Harbourside Church - beside the town bridge. This is our ‘host church’.

Holy Trinity is an Anglican church, and part of the Diocese of Salisbury. The vicar is Rev Juliet Stephenson, and she will be part of the team leading Open Table services along with other ministers and laity from local churches in Wyke, Weymouth, Radipole and Portland. (we can add everyone here too??)

What happens at Open Table Weymouth?

We gather from 6pm on the first Sunday of the month. This gives us chance to catch up with one another, get parked up, and ready for worship which begins at 6.30pm.

The services will vary each month. Sometimes a Holy Communion will happen, where we receive bread and wine that has been blessed and made special by one of the ministers. Other times, we will share stories, read scripture and sing songs, as we share an ‘agape’ meal. (we can be more explicit)

There will always be excellent refreshments to follow, and often a simple home cooked meal will be available.

Open Table Weymouth is a place where you can be yourself. We will always respect names and pronouns.

Open Table Weymouth is a place to find friends and fellowship, whilst growing in faith and exploring Christian values along the way.

We believe that Jesus is God’s chosen one. Jesus came to bring ‘life in all its fullness’, and to share God’s love with all people – NO exceptions.

The Open Table network of churches are really special places to be, and we are sure that as we grow, Weymouth will flourish and bring encouragement to everyone who seeks to find out how much God loves them.

We do hope that Open Table will become a welcome resource for Weymouth and other neighbouring towns and villages. We can’t wait to welcome you, your friends, families and allies.

God bless you

Rev Juliet (Vicar of Holy Trinity)