Benefice Lent course will begin on Friday March 7th at 3pm at Portesham Methodist hall. Books can be ordered at no cost or for a donation from <br><br>Please contact <a href=""></a> for further information.
Topics and dates:17th March: Maintaining boundaries24th March: Learning to Listen - guest speaker David Webb of Samaritans31st March: Engaging with families - guest speaker Helen Horsley of Homestart7th April: Being with those with illness or disability - guest speaker Rev’d Philip Ringer, Hospital Chaplain14th April: Valuing Later Life - guest speaker Felicity Warner, Soul Midwife28th April: At a Time of LossThese sessions will take place at 7pm, in LATCH and include opportunities for reflection and discussion - and of course, tea and biscuits!You can attend the whole course OR selected dates that are particularly of interest, but Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPAs) or prospective LPAs are expected to attend each session. For more information or to book your place, before March 7th please, email: If you would like to become an LPA, please have a look at the Diocese of Salisbury webpage: and then chat with Rector Andrew.
Candles on St Catherine’s Hill, AbbotsburyTook place Sunday 24th November 2024 and this year’s event had an evengreater significance being the 1000th year since Christianity was officiallybestowed in the village by King Cnut via his representative Orc and his wifeTola and rounds off a year of events.St Catherine was famously martyred for not relinquishing her faith and theChapel bearing her name is the focus of this commemorative event. On theslope below the iconic Chapel, a wheel of light will be constructed fromdecorated candle bags with led battery lights inside. Each bag lovinglycreated by children from local schools and by members of the public.Through the generosity of sponsors, bags are supplied free of chargeto the schools, together with educational materials that both informs andeducates about St Catherine of Alexandria and the history of the chapel soimportant for our youngsters to have awareness of their surroundings.Unfortunately the the weather was against all that had been planned, however the candle bags were displayed in the village hall and in the church. The choir sang in the church and was followed by a short service where loved one no longer with us were remembered.
Our Lay Pastoral Assistants respond to any need, great or small, for pastoral care. Our LPAs can be there in times of bereavement, loss, emotional or other trouble.They can also bring Home Communion to those no longer able to get to church.Contact Cathryn Johnson 01308897169, Jenny Malyon 01308898768 or Liz Orza 01308897451.