Over Compton: St Michael

St Michael's Church is a magnificent find.  All three approaches bring you up or down private drives and you wonder whether satnav is having a laugh (I would avoid the drive from Nether Compton Village Hall as you are likely to disappear into the potholes never to return).  But persevere as you will find a gem of a 15th century church nestling next to a Tudor style country house, a huge cedar of Lebanon and the largest Macrocarpa tree in Great Britain (thanks to the one in Montacute blowing over).

Inside the wagon ceilinged church you will find a 17th century triple decker pulpit aimed directly at the Goodden family chapel.  A 15th century font, some fairly modern (Kempe & Co, 1906-7) stained glass, armaments and a splendidly lifelike statue of Robert Goodden add to a very rich mix.  A moment taken reading the boards either side of the font won't be wasted.

Get in touch

Rev'd David Bond

The Rectory,

01935 850201
What's on

Holy Communion

for 45 mins
Over Compton: St Michael
Compton Park Over Compton Sherborne, DT9 4QU, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion