St Leonard's, Sheepstor

In the heart of the village, St Leonard's is open during the day for prayer and reflection. With links with the Rajahs of Sarawak do enjoy our audio guide and admire our carved pew ends. A great resting place for walkers on the Moor, do make the most of this hidden gem on the Moor.

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Get in touch

The Rev Andrew Thomas

The Rectory
St Paul's Church

PL20 6AB
01822 854804

Our website

What's on

Sunday Evensong

Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Leonard's, Sheepstor
St Leonard's, Sheepstor, Sheepstor Yelverton, PL20 6PF, United Kingdom

1st Sunday 4pm Lay led Evensong

Easter and Holy Week in West Dartmoor. Lots of opportunity to worship with us across our benefice of six churches, in a patch of west Dartmoor that stretches from the Yelverton to Princetown.

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