St Jude

Get in touch

Beaumont Road

Our website

What's on

10:30am Morning Gatherings (Now Live Streamed - see link below)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Jude
Beaumont Road Plymouth Plymouth, PL4 9BJ, United Kingdom

We gather each Sunday at 10.30am for a relaxed morning service except for the first Sunday of every month when we have our multigenerational free Brunch gathering. Then folk arrive from about 10;15am for croissants, pain au chocolate, toast with jams and honey and cereals alongside orange juice and fresh coffee and tea (with gluten and dairy free options)
Every other week in School terms we also have a children's option - "Jude's Club"
We are welcoming and friendly, with band led worship and projected words so you don't need to find any pages in a hymn book or keep hold of lots of paper. Our use of liturgy is a bit less than some others who may be more formal.
We're a Fair Trade church and offer fresh coffee, teas and hot chocolate at each of our services.
Please do check our website for up to date details or get in touch if you want to double check anything or ask a question.
All our services are live streamed on our YouTube Channel here: