
Holy Baptism

St Mary’s welcomes for Baptism (sometimes called Christening) the children of all parents who live in the parish.

In 2025, baptisms will take place on the third Sunday of the month at 9.00 am during the parish service, and there may be up to two families on each occasion.

Initial contact should be made by telephone; please ring the Parish Office on Monday to Thursday mornings between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm to discuss possible dates for the Baptism, and attendance at the necessary preparation session. There is also a great deal of helpful information on the Church of England website including FAQs and choosing a godparent. Godparents must themselves be baptised and it is good, though not essential, for them to have been confirmed. They are welcome to attend the preparation session.

Those living outside the parish who have a connection with St Mary’s would need to seek the goodwill of the priest in the parish where they live before they can go ahead with Baptism for themselves or their children. The clergy are happy to advise on this if necessary.

Those baptised as infants are encouraged to come to Confirmation from the age of about 12. From that age, and at any age, it is still possible to be baptised, but you would then receive Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion together after several months learning more about the Christian faith. The clergy are always ready to discuss this with anyone who is interested – please speak to Rev Lizzi Green.

If you would like to find out more about Christenings, please use the link below to look at the Church of England Christenings webpage.

Christenings | The Church of England