8am Said Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Wexham
St Marys Wexham Church Lane, SL3 6LH, United Kingdom

A quiet service of Holy Communion

10am Holy Communion

Every First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Wexham
St Marys Wexham Church Lane, SL3 6LH, United Kingdom

Sung Common Worship Holy Communion. Second Sundays Holy Communion is replaced by All-age "Church for All'. Most Sundays our Young Church group meets between 1000 and 1100 in the nearby Church hall.

Young Church

Every First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Wexham
St Marys Wexham Church Lane, SL3 6LH, United Kingdom

Young Church are not meeting in half term, but the services in church will cater for any young people who come.
Most Sundays, our Young Church group meets in the church hall while (most) adults are in church. On second Sundays we join together in an all-age Church for All service at 10am

Community Hub

Monthly. Every Last Saturday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church, Wexham
St Marys Wexham Church Lane, SL3 6LH, United Kingdom

The Community Hub is an initiative to provide a place where people of all ages from the local area can come for a couple of hours to meet others and enjoy their company. We provide the venue, refreshments, some toys for toddlers and board games. It is free of charge and is held in the St Marys Wexham hall. There is parking in the hall grounds.

The Hub is open on the last Saturday of the month (look out for the banner on the hedge) from 1030-1230.

Wholeness and Healing

Monthly. Every Last Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Church, Wexham
St Marys Wexham Church Lane, SL3 6LH, United Kingdom

If you, or someone you know, needs prayer for healing of whatever kind, or desires a greater sense of wholeness and forgiveness, come to this quiet, respectful service.