Related Churches
St Michael and All Angels
We are a friendly, welcoming church rooted in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England, committed to dignified worship, and good music. You are most welcome to join us at any of our services.
The Angelus is sung after every Sunday Parish Mass with the Regina Coeli sung during Eastertide.
On Sunday, Sung Parish Mass begins at 10am with full ceremonial, including incense.
Weekday Mass is said on Thursday in St James' Chapel.
The main festivals and seasons of the Church, especially Holy Week, are observed as fully as resources permit.
His Majesty The King is prayed for by name at every service in this church.
Benefice Website:
St Giles
Welcome to St Giles Church, Little Torrington, Devon.
We hold weekly services at 11am... an informal Morning Worship on 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays and Holy Communion on 3rd Sunday.
St. Giles is a beautiful 15th century church, with a nave and south aisle separated by an unusual colonade of Lundy Island granite pillars, beautiful stained glass windows and many historic features. Its chamfered Norman font is believed unique in Britain. Read more about the church and its history under 'About Us'.
St. Giles is also available for community gatherings, group meetings and exhibitions, small recitals etc., and has an accessible toilet, small servery for refreshments, superb lighting and accoustics. Please 'Get in Touch' for details.
Weddings and other 'life celebratory' events are our speciality! Little Torrington is a 'picture postcard' village, with excellent family accommodation at Torridge House and nearby Smytham Manor, a lovely village hall with good catering available and plenty of parking. For more information, please 'Get in Touch'.
St Mary Magdalene
Welcome to St Mary Magdalene, Taddiport.
From Castle Hill in Torrington there is a fine view over the Torridge to the parish of Little Torrington. In the bottom of the valley, on the Little Torrington side, by a fine mediaeval bridge, is the hamlet of Taddiport. A little further upstream are two narrow strip fields, popularly known as "leper fields", all that remain of a larger number which were there in living memory.
The name Taddiport means "Toad-gate".
See some photos and read more on our Benefice website:
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