Help us restore the Lychgate


Following storm damage 4 years ago, the PCC  began investigating how best to restore the lovely Lychgate at St. Giles.   Unfortunately the structure needs extensive repair  (the result of many years 'wear & tear' as well as the storm), which will entail removing the roof, reinstating support beams and then replacing the timbers and slates.   The stonework also requires masonry repairs, and the actual gates need a total overhaul.

We have obtained Diocesan permission, but the quotations to do the work amount to about £30,000.   So fundraising is now needed, as well as grant applications.   We have several planned fundraising events - please see the 'Services and events' page - and help us if you can.      Any donation will be very gratefully received.  

Please contact Pat Grimwood-Taylor    [email protected]   if you would like to help.