Places of Welcome Coffee Break

Every Friday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

This is one of St. Mary's 'little gems' and should not be missed out on. If you are in Eastwood on a Friday morning with nothing better to do for an hour or so, you couldn't do better than visit our Places of Welcome Coffee Break 'church cafe' (tea, coffee and good company provided for FREE!)

Available on Fridays between 10:00am and 12:00pm in the Church Lounge.

Please visit our website and check our calendar availability

Youth Group

Every Friday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

Term time only

Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

1st & 3rd Sundays. This is a quiet, reflective service.

Morning Worship

Every Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

This is a formal service with hymns, prayers and a talk but no Communion.
There is a Sunday School for those aged over 3 and Tower Blocks for children older than 10.

Little Explorers Toddler Group

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

Tuesdays during school holidays. See our website for details.

Friendship Club

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

We are a group of men and women aged 50+ and we meet in the Church Lounge every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00pm to 4:00pm .

We have a variety of guest speakers, regular organised outings and many other social activity.

This is a group who care for one another and are pleased to welcome new members, so do come and join us.
Everyone is welcome.

Family Communion

Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

An informal Communion Service with families in mind. There is a Sunday School for those aged over 3 and Tower Blocks for children older than 10.

Cafe Church

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

5th Sunday of the month only. Sometimes this service is held at Brinsley/Underwood churches please see service details on our website for specific details.

Prayer and Praise

Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

The event is held in the church lounge on the first Wednesday of the month

All Age Family Worship

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

This is an informal service with hymns, prayers and a talk. It is aimed at people of all ages and partcularly families.
There is no Sunday School at this service.

Men's Fellowship

Every First Monday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

We are a group of men who meet in the Church Lounge every 1st Monday in the month at 7:30pm until around 9:30pm.

We enjoy a wide range of social activities and have regular guests to speak at our meetings on a variety of interesting topics. We are open to all the men in the church and also invite their family, neighbours and friends (sorry, men only!)

No charge, donations towards refreshments gratefully accepted

Only Girls Aloud

Every Second Thursday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

A new Christian group for young mums and young women meet on the Second Thursday of each month in the Church Lounge at 7.30pm. If you think you might be interested please come along to our meeting, we would love to meet you and you will be made most welcome.

Holy Communion

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

A more formal and traditional Communion Service.
There is a Sunday School for those aged over 3 and Tower Blocks for children older than 10.

Women's Group

Every Second Monday at for 2 hours
The Parish Church of St. Mary, Eastwood
St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham,, NG16 3BS, United Kingdom

Meets in the Church Lounge on the second Monday in the month from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

We have guest speakers, meals out and enjoy many other social activities together. We are a friendly group and we would welcome any ladies who would like to join us.

(No Meetings in August, Easter, Christmas)