We'd love to hear from you

For pastoral matters, please contact: 

TEAM RECTOR:  The Revd Dr. Michael Grandey, The Rectory, Parsonage Lane, South Molton, EX36 3AX (01769 579492)

For general enquiries, please contact: 

CHURCHWARDENS: Mrs. Lyn Winter tel: 01769 574187    Mr. John Tucker tel: 01769 579020

For safeguarding matters, please contact:

SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: Mr Bob Redwood tel: 01769 572079

WEDDINGS & BAPTISMS: Before making contact you will find it helpful to go to the wedding or baptism page on our website. 

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

St. Mary Magdalene Parish Church

c/o The Church Hall,
Duke Street,
South Molton.
EX36 3AL

EX36 3AL

Our website