Third Sunday of Epiphany
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a Luke 4: 14-21
Cast your minds back to the good old days of school or college. You sat in rows or behind desks for what seemed hours and hours, learning about a variety of subjects. Some of that information would have actually sunk in to be remembered for years to come.
There was a potential hazard to this system. If the speaker had a boring, monotone voice, a static approach, or nothing to maintain your attention, then they were on a hiding for nothing. The knowledge they were imparting was meeting a blank wall.
A teacher who is animated and with a varied speech tone is more likely get their message across. We heard of how Jesus was in the synagogue. As was the custom there were plenty of people present. It was the turn of Jesus to read. He stood up and as he did so a silence filled the synagogue. Everyone wanted to hear what he was going to say. He was obviously well known as a good speaker.
It is so important that those who read in church do read well. All may be forgiven for tripping over the tongue trying to pronounce some of the names that appear before you in your reading. The people and places can be quite adventurous to pronounce, they are foreign after all. There are publications that show the true pronunciation, but the squiggles, loops, and lines used are almost a language in themselves. They are given to help us. It is important to pronounce correctly for it is the word of God that we are speaking.
Standing up, in front of a congregation, can be daunting enough. If it is a small congregation, one that we know each member well, it is more comforting and homely. The threatening feeling is not so apparent. It is possible you settle down into your reading quite quickly. However, standing up in front of a large congregation can be quite different. A goodly number of them sat there, all looking at you, may be unknown to you. For all you know there may be a retired bishop sat there, or someone who is very familiar with the words of the Bible. It is when they come up to you after the service and say, “That was interesting”, that your mind goes into hyperdrive as you wonder what it was that you said.
It is the word of God that you are speaking. It is so essential that its true meaning is imparted. For within those words can be found great comfort to the troubled soul, support when feeling weak, encouragement when uncertain. All of these sentiments can be found in the word of God. They help us through life.
They act as pathways along which we may tread. The readings we hear, or if it is our turn, speak, are like signposts. Within them may be found answers to questions that have been on our lips for some time. With them answered we continue forward, head held up high.
The Bible is a repository of information. It contains books of every nature. From history to law, from songs to dreams, even humour, all may be found within its covers. All of it the word of God handed down to us and recorded, written down, translated and printed.
As Jesus stood up in the synagogue to read and impart the word of God to be heard by the assembled congregation, we too have that same privilege of standing up and proclaiming the word of God to the congregation sat in front and listening to our every word.
Last week the gifts of the Holy Spirit were the subject. Prophetic utterance was one of the gifts of the Spirit. The ability to read in church, clearly and distinctly, is not for everyone. But for those who can they are using that gift of the Holy Spirit as intended. A gift given, not just for our own benefit, but for the good of all. We are proclaiming the love of God, a love given to everyone. A love which contains within it reassurance and hope, a light where there is darkness, the comfort of the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is at our side.
Collect for the Third Sunday of Epiphany
Almighty God,
whose Son revealed in signs and miracles
the wonder of your saving presence:
renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us by your mighty power;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.