Our Vicar's Message for Epiphany 2 and Plough Sunday

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Dear Friends,

Traditionally the Sunday after Epiphany was the time that ploughs were blessed as communities prayed for the land and its fertility at the turning of the new year. We continue that tradition with the Plough Service at Parracombe church at 3pm on Sunday - all are welcome. This is a good way to give thanks for the land around us, and for those who farm here and to dedicate ourselves to our own closer connection with the natural world God has created.

God's commitment to the creation as a mission of his love is revealed in Jesus and this Epiphany season we are offered readings which show us how those around Jesus came to understand him as the one in whom all God's love for us in shown.

In the reading from John's gospel weekend we see Jesus making friends and sharing hospitality. For me this is a story which demystifies a word we use a lot - the word "mission". At its heart mission is the way God shows love to us, and invites us to draw others into receiving that love. Jesus asks what those curious about him are looking for and simply encourages them to spend time in his company. That's enough to inspire them to bring others to meet him too. I wonder what the simple ways of showing love to others might be for each of us? How might our hospitality or friendship give others a glimpse of who Jesus is?

One way to open ourselves to the way God wants us to share God's mission is to pray. This week we are launching a simple pack of seven cards which you might like to use or give to others to begin a daily prayer habit. Watch out for them arriving in your church.

God bless
