Our Vicar's Message and service text for Rogation

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Dear All,

This weekend, the gospel asks of us that we recognise the peace that is not from the world, but is Jesus' gift: not something we work to create or earn in ourselves, but something that we open ourselves to receive, even something that we can ask for. Asking is also the theme of this Rogation weekend - traditionally a time to ask for good harvests and the fertility of the land.

As we are seeing currently there are deep connections between peace and a steady food supply: what those in other war torn and famine struck regions have known before, now even our continent is experiencing - the disruption of food networks by violence.

There is a lot around us to trouble our hearts and raise our anxiety but today's gospel offers us Jesus' gentle guidance: "do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid".

Let's take him seriously - and take our asking seriously this Rogation-tide too: for good harvests and the peace that makes them possible; that swords may indeed be turned to plowshares and that we will learn to live harmoniously both with our fellow humans, and with all living things with whom we share this earth.

Weather permitting there is a chance to take our prayers outdoors at 2pm on Sunday 22nd with our Rogation Sunday walk from Countisbury Church (park at Barna Barrow car park) up the hill. If the rain comes in we will relocate into church - but please dress for Exmoor!

God bless,
