Vigil for Ukraine

Church_news From_the_Vicar
A message from the Church wardens at Lynton:Good morning All,
In case you haven’t already seen it on Facebook or on the church notice board I wanted to let you know that there will be a Vigil in support of the people of Ukraine at St Mary’s tomorrow, Thursday March 3rd, between 2 and 3pm. We are inviting people to come into church anytime during that hour, light a candle and if they want to, to sit a while.
I know it is short notice but if you could spread the word to anyone who you think might be interested I would be grateful.
All best wishes,
From me: I am really grateful for this initiative - if any other churches would like to set up a space for prayer for the Ukraine, or follow up this time of prayer in their own way I am very supportive - please go ahead, and just let me know so I am aware of it.Samantha

Heavenly Father,

Your will for your people is peace, not war.

Pour out on our world, especially in Eastern Europe, your Spirit of compassion and solidarity.

Grant all those who believe in you the strength to be close to those who suffer

and the courage to resolve their differences and conflicts in truth and without resort to arms.

Be with the widow, the orphan, the refugee and the peacemaker.

Bind us all into the peace of your Kingdom.

Through Christ our Lord,


The Reverend Samantha StayteThe Lyn Valley Mission Community