Vicar's Newsletter for second Sunday before Lent.

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Dear Friends,

My goodness! What a twenty four hours we have just come through. I hope that everyone has been safe and well throughout, and that the loss of power has not caused too much distress. If anyone is dealing with damage to property, I hope it can be swiftly resolved. Our gospel this week couldn’t be more timely: Jesus stilling the storm. I pray that we will each know God’s presence bringing us the calming that we might need after a tough day. In the story the disciples experience Jesus in different ways – asleep, powerfully commanding the elements, and then drawing them into conversation and reflection.

For our Lent reflections this year, I would like to offer a space to look at how we experience Christ: A Christ-Centred Lent. For those who are able to gather to share this together I an inviting you to meet with me for an hour beginning at 5pm on most Mondays in Lent (7th March – 11th April omitting March 14th) at the Rectory in Lynton; for those who cannot make that time I will send out reflections to be used in your own way. We will be looking at: meeting Christ in scripture, Communion and each other, and then reflecting on Christ at the centre of the diocesan priorities: growing in prayer, making new disciples and serving with joy. A reminder that Lent begins on 2nd March – there will be a service of Holy Communion with the imposition of ashes for those who wish it at 10.30am at St Mary’s Lynton.

Please note that we have adjusted the time for the monthly Holy Communion Service at Lynmouth – it will now begin at 9.15am.

God bless


Fairtrade fortnight begins this week

Sunday 20th February:

9.00 Parracombe Family Worship self-led service

9.15 Lynmouth Holy Communion

11am Lynton Holy Communion

I have just read the North Devon Council guidance for the weekend - suggesting we still need to take care when out and about - please don't take risks to come to church