Dear Friends,I am forwarding to everyone this invitation from the Rural Dean and Lay Chair of the Deanery Synod (apologies to those of you who receive these emails in distant places!). I also appreciate that it is quite last minute, but as we have been able to find very few Deanery reps across the Mission Comminity I would encourage anyone who is interested and able to hear the Archdeacon speak to us, and to have an opportunity to meet her to consider coming - I've managed to bring the Deanery Synod as close to us all as possible - at St Mary's!all bestSamantha Our deanery synod AGM is on Thursday 17th February (this Thursday) and will start at 7pm. It is to be held at St. Mary's Church in Lynton. Parking is available in the nearby public car park. We will be welcoming Archdeacon Verena to speak to us, and this will be followed by small group discussion. All members of our congregations are welcome to attend, and we would encourage every church to find someone to represent them if it is possible. While anyone can attend, only elected representatives will be able to vote for the items which are part of our AGM meeting. We will take care to maintain social distancing, and encourage masks to be worn for anyone who can. Papers for the AGM will be sent to deanery synod reps very soon, watch this space. Many thanks, Rosie RosieRevd Preb Rosie AustinTeam Rector, Shirwell Mission Community
Dear Friends,The hours of daylight are certainly lengthening and in this morning's sunlight here the birdsong and signs of spring are evident.Its a reminder that we are now in the "before Lent" (the word lent is related to "lengthen") Sundays (Ash Wednesday is on March 2nd) and this is a good time to say that if you are coming to church in the next couple of weeks and would like to bring back any Palm Crosses that you have (from last year or before) to be burnt for this year's ash - now is the time to bring them!Jesus is certainly stretching us in today's gospel, challenging the assumptions about what being "blessed" looks like, even as he brings healing to those around him. In the gospel reading many gather around him seeking that healing and they receive from the power of his presence. Whether you are in church this weekend, meeting him in the word, the sacrament and the company of his brothers and sisters, or at home meeting him, and united through him with all who pray, may his power go out to you to heal and bless you in whatever you are experiencing at this time.The lengthening days are also carrying us towards half term - please keep our schools in your prayers as they come to the end of a very tough half term, and also let's pray for all those who are re-opening business ready for a new season.God blessSamanthaIf you have not recieved the February Mission Community newsletter and would like to, please email Sam at giving permission for her to add you to her contacts list for this monthly update on dates for serviecs and events.
Dear Friends,My apologies for no video this week but I attach a form of prayers that are the traditional way of honouring the Queen's accession to the throne, the anniversary of which falls on Sunday. giving us the opportunity to give thanks for her commitment to the role she was born into.Our readings this weekend reflect the theme of "calling" - the idea that God involves us all in the shaping of our world, calls all of us, in our own way, to make the world a better place and to draw others into God's love.Perhaps we can pray for those in positions of high responsibility, and for each other, that each in their own calling may know the love of God as their strength and be inspired to serve those around them with integrity and joy.God blessSamantha
Dear Friends,Happy Candlemas! This weekend we are transferring the feast of the Presentation of Christ (also known as Candlemas) to the Sunday closest to the 2nd of February on which the feast falls. This is the feast that brings our celebration of Christmas and Epiphany to a close and prepares us to look forward toward Lent and Easter. Through the weeks of Epiphany we have been invited to let the particular events that reveal who Jesus is deepen our understanding of his call in our lives, so that, perhaps like Simeon and Anna in the Candlemas gospel we can recognise his light in our live and the hope he brings for all peoples. It is in the strength and assurance of that hope we are able to make a fruitful journey through Lent towards Easter once again this year.As I am sure you are aware, during last week the Plan B cautions around Covid 19 were lifted. The Church of England continues to encourage local decisions to be made about how we shape our life of worship together at this time, with continued guidance that groups gathering need to be cautious. The final responsibility for these decisions continues to rest with the incumbent (that’s me!)Currently, in line with many shops and businesses and other Anglican churches in the area I believe it is wise to continue to ask people to use face coverings whilst in church, but I think it is good for us to be able to share refreshments after services where that is usual and if people are comfortable staying for them. Future plans will be on the agenda for all PCC meetings to come.God blessSamanthaSunday 30th January11am Lynton Holy Communion for CandlemasSunday 6th February9am Parracombe Holy Communion11am Lynton Holy Communion3pm Barbrook Holy Communion