Our Vicar's Message for the second Sunday of Advent

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From_the_Vicar Advent

Dear Friends,

During Advent the Sunday's carry us through the history of the people of God reminding us of those whose faith in God's promises pointed towards the full revelation of God's self in Jesus that we celebrate at Christmas.

This second week is a time to remember the prophets - those who came so close to God, and God came so close to them that they could tell those around them what God needed them to know. In our readings this weekend we hear some of the message of Isaiah - with his vision of all people being drawn in to the knowledge of God's love.

It is a vision that is perhaps particularly important to remember in a week in which the census data may cause anxiety for some, as it records a drop in the number of those in our nation who describe themselves as Christian. This reveals a shift from the picture many have of living somewhere in which Christianity has been the dominant religion for hundreds of years. As we look much further back into the history of the people of God, back through our Gospel and into the Hebrew Scriptures it is worth remembering that many of the voices we hear in their pages felt they were speaking as a minority - helping those around them to see the faithful love of God, their creator and liberator at work in the world around them.

This remains the calling of the people of God, our calling as prophets of today. We don't need to be in the majority to trust in God's love for us and for all those around us. We don't need to be in the majority to share the love God has for us with those around us through both words and deeds. We don't need to be in the majority to pray that the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the love of God, as the waters cover the sea.

May we be inspired by the faith of those who have gone before us to be bold in sharing the hope that Jesus offers as the gift at the heart of the Christmas so many are preparing to celebrate.

God bless
