Dear Friends,
In this week's gospel Jesus encourages a group of his followers to spread his mission seeking hospitality with those who respond to their greeting of "peace", so that all will know that "the kingdom of God has drawn near".It's a reminder that from companionship with those who share our values we can grow in confidence to make a gentle difference in the world - a spreading of love and goodwill which is the outflowing of the love God has for us.
In this week's gospel Jesus encourages a group of his followers to spread his mission seeking hospitality with those who respond to their greeting of "peace", so that all will know that "the kingdom of God has drawn near".It's a reminder that from companionship with those who share our values we can grow in confidence to make a gentle difference in the world - a spreading of love and goodwill which is the outflowing of the love God has for us.
On Sunday 31st July we will be celebrating the next of the agricultural festivals: Lammas (the thanksgiving for the first wheat harvest). Martinhoe are hosting a Cream Tea and short service of thanksgiving at 3.00pm.
God bless
The video I refer to in the sermon can be found at: