Our Vicar's message and service text for Pentecost

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Dear Friends,

I hope you are having a good long bank holiday - whether that is good meaning a good rest, a meeting with family and friends, or for many around here, a calm but busy time serving those who are on holiday!

There is something very resonant about the pictures of the crowds in London from across the world gathering to celebrate the Jubilee as we also mark the great feast of Pentecost. Themes of unity and renewal were talked of after the wonderful service of thanksgiving at St Pauls on Friday - and of course unity and renewal are the great Pentecost themes too.

Let's pray that the Queen's example of faith, hope and love may inspire us all, as we still live through challenging times, to take joy in the lives we share, look out for those who suffer, and contribute all that we can to making the world a kinder place. Thank you to all across our Mission Community who have embraced the Jubilee with enthusiasm: for flags flown and bells rung, for music played and flowers arranged, for welcoming and pudding production!

God bless
