Vicar's Newsletter for Mothering Sunday and fourth Sunday of Lent

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Lent From_the_Vicar
Dear friends,This Sunday is Mothering Sunday and it is also known as Refreshment Sunday - when we lighten our Lenten discipline before the journey deeper towards the mystery of Holy week to come. This year there is so much going on around us that we probably don't need many self-imposed Lenten disciplines to be prompted to pray, give or fast - the events on our television screens are a prompt in themselves.

So, "refreshment" might be about intentionally noticing and giving thanks for all around us that is healing, life giving and loving. On this Mothering Sunday, for many that will include gratitude for mothers and mother figures in our life - I thank God for the gift of maternal love where it is a force for peace and compassion in the world. The beauty of this week of early spring reminds us to be thankful for our Mother Earth too. I encourage you to find one thing to enjoy on Sunday that brings you refreshment, a kindness to yourself that is an experience of God's love for you.

The Lent Group continues at the Rectory on Monday 28th March - this week we are looking at how we meet Christ in others (last week's notes are attached with this email).

A reminder too that next Saturday 2nd April at 11am at the Village Hall in Brendon we are holding a meeting to explore the future of church life in Brendon. I would ask you to hold this in your prayers as it will be important to recognise that we need God's guidance in taking this forward and that what is going on in one church in the Mission Community significant to all of us.

I have spent today at Diocesan Synod - one of the items was an update on the Diocesan response to the crisis in Ukraine. The diocese is partnering with an organisation experienced in refugee support to help individuals who want to offer a space in their homes negotiate the system. If you want to find out more do go to the diocesan website to look at the resources there.Perhaps this Sunday it is appropriate to pray especially for the mothers of Ukraine, and of all places where mothers become the protectors of their children in the midst of violence.

God bless
