Vicar's Newsletter for the second Sunday of Lent

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Lent From_the_Vicar

Dear Friends,

In this Sunday’s gospel we hear Jesus’ lament over his own city.

In prayer let us echo the lament of those whose cities across Ukraine are in great suffering as we pray for and with them.

In prayer let us offer our lament for all the human failure that war represents as we pray for wisdom and compassion to prevail.

Across the Mission Community churches are making different arrangements to encourage donations financial and in kind to support the humanitarian efforts to respond to the crisis in Eastern Europe. The government has pledged to match donations made to the Disasters Emergency Committee (which works on the ground through many of the aid agencies that are familiar – the Red Cross, Christian Aid, Cafod) and you may like to make donations directly to that appeal.

We began our Lent Group last Monday, and will meet again on Monday 21st March at 5pm at the Rectory to think about encountering Jesus in communion. I am attaching a sheet of content from last week’s session in which we looked at encounter Jesus through the Bible.

God bless



For all those who have an interest in Brendon Church, there will be a meeting to talk about the future of the church, seeking support to establish a new PCC on Saturday 2nd April at 11am. Do get in touch if you are unable to come but are willing to consider offering support.