Vicar's Newsletter Trinity 20 and Anti-slavery Sunday


Dear Friends,

At a time when the nation is in shock and grief at the murder of an MP at work in the care and service of his local community let’s pray for the family and constituents of Sir David Amess and also for the protection of all who seek public service in order to better the lives of those around them.

In the gospel we are listening to this weekend we hear Jesus give his disciples a profound principle to live by: “if you want to be great become a servant” and a statement of his own purpose: “not to be serve but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many”. This Sunday many churches are marking “Anti-Slavery Sunday” to reflect on the sinful patterns of oppression on which much wealth has been built, and the continuing exploitation suffered around the world and to commit to working and praying for the freedom for all that Jesus came to bring. This Sunday too, there are thanksgiving services for the NHS continuing our prayers for all on whose sacrificial service we depend for the health and care of our society. To find out more please visit the diocesan newsletter:

Jesus’ words invite us to review our own sense of identity as God’s beloved ones, offering God’s love in the world. Currently all members of the Church of England are being invited to engage with a broad conversation about identity and relationships via a range of carefully created resources called "Living in Love and Faith". Each Mission Community is being encouraged to run a course using these resources (book, study course, videos) in preparation for contributing to survey of views which will inform the General Synod and ultimately the House of Bishops as they shape teaching on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage for this time. If anyone has ideas about how best our Mission Community can enable everyone who wishes to engage with the material to do so please get in touch, in the meantime if you wish to participate in a course being run for the Diocese on Zoom details are here:

Finally, it’s a great delight to note that regular monthly worship resumes at Lynmouth this Sunday.

Services this week:

9am Holy Communion Lynmouth

Self-led worship Parracombe

11am Holy Communion Lynton

God bless
