Steps to getting back to more normal worship

Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear All,

I am delighted to be taking a wedding today, but that means my full mailout with sermons and prayers may come later in the day and I wanted to let you know about slight changes to worship this week in good time this morning. After due consideration about the numbers at services, and balancing the anxiety of some people and the desire to get back to fuller worship of others at churches this week we ask everyone to continue to wear a face covering, and to sit in physically distanced seating but :

at Parracombe 9.00am Holy Communion we will sing the first and the last hymn outside the church - (weather permitting!)

at Lynton 11am Holy Communion we will sing the first and last hymn (in church)

at Barbrook 3pm Holy Communion we will make a decision about singing based on what those who are there are comfortable with

at Countisbury 8.30 Epilogue there will be sung hymns as last week (in church)

I hope this outline helps you feel confident in choosing to come to a service that suits you. If you have not yet felt able to return to gathered worship and would like to talk to me about how you are feeling, do drop me an email or give me a ring,

God bless
