Dear Friends,
This weekend we come to the wonderful feast of All Saints which reminds us of all who have gone before us in faith, and whose lives are an inspiration of holiness.The feast also expands the horizon for us, reminding us that our life on earth is not all that there is - eternity in God's presence is our Christian hope.
As such it is a good beginning to the days of remembrance that November brings.
November 2nd is All Souls Day when we remember and hold in prayer those we have known and loved, and those who are part of our own families and family of faith who have died. During this year, dear members of our own churches have died and because of the Covid restrictions we have not always been able to gather to give thanks for them as we would wish. On Monday I invite us each to set aside a period of time to pray for all who we see no longer, and to pray too for all who mourn.
November 8th is Remembrance Day this year. There will be services with a Remembrance theme at 10.45 at Oare and Parracombe, and at 11.15 at Lynton.
I will shortly send out a further email with an act of prayer for All Souls and further details about Remembrance services. Please think about contacting anyone you know who may value a call or a note at this time as they remember loved ones at the end of this particularly challenging year, just to let them know they too are remembered and cared about.
God bless,