Facilities and features


There are no public toilets in the church or in the village. For functions in the church such as weddings, arrangements can be made to make the toilets in the village hall available. These are not disabled access.

Parking is very limited in Martinhoe. You can park along the roadside but please keep well in and do not cause any obstruction or block farmer's gateways.

There is a defibrillator at the toilet block which is part of the National Trust facilities at Hunters Inn.

There is a step from the roadway into the church path and another step at the entrance to the church in the porch. The church is not wheelchair accessible without considerable assistance.

Our Building

The church is open for visitors and private prayer from about 10am each day. Locked overnight.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Refreshments can be obtained at Hunters Inn which is nearby and is well signposted.

The church is open for private prayer and reflection each day from about 10am.

Other Features