Our Vicar's Message for the third Sunday of Advent

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From_the_Vicar Advent

Dear Friends,

It was a surprise to wake up to the view of snowy roof tops and white fields this morning and judging by conversations with the bold few who ventured out early to the shops this morning we were all caught a bit off guard by the extent of last night's snow fall across this part of Devon. It has disrupted life as usual: no bus running up the main road in its hourly routine, no papers delivered this morning, far fewer Saturday shoppers. For anyone with plans to fulfill tomorrow it raises the need to be alert, watching for the signs of which way the weather will turn. It has actually brought us a way of fully entering into the Advent spirit of waiting and preparing, waiting to see what moments bring, preparing to respond to whatever comes.

This week's readings capture that spirit too. From Isaiah we hear the vision of the desert breaking out into abundant life - like for us the gift of spring we wait for after a hard winter and John the Baptist waiting in prison sends a message to ask Jesus if he is the one for whom he has waited - and Jesus tells him to look at what is going on around him and respond to that. In my sermon this I have included a reflection on John's questioning by Rob Marsh SJ published in Thinking Faith which is an online spirituality journal which I link in the attached document. He encourages us to remember that we can focus our Advent waiting and preparation with direct communication with God - "ask" he says. May this Sunday of advent give us space and pause to discover the deepest questions that our hearts seek answers to from God and to "ask".

Currently we are planning to go ahead with services as planned tomorrow. Should conditions worsen I will consult with church wardens and make appropriate decisions with everyone's safety and well being in mind.

Thank you to all who have been involved so far in extending a welcome to Advent events: to Keith and Marge Ash and the PCC at Martinhoe for a wonderful carol service last Sunday, and to Sue Rawle and her team who made Chrstingles with the children at at Parracombe school so we could celebrate Jesus the light of the world in church yesterday.

God bless
