Our Vicar's Message and Harvest Liturgy for Trinity 17

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Dear Friends,

This Sunday's gospel takes place in a borderland area - between the uneasy neighbouring territories of Galilee and Samaria - and Jesus meets those who have to live apart from the rest of society, outcast because of leprosy. In this place he brings healing and talks about "salvation" God's gift of restoring all to wholeness and love.

There are so many hostile borderlands and so many people who feel isolated from mainstream life across our world. Let's pray for all who take health care, food aid and education to those places and for all who are peacemakers. As we begin our season of Harvest Festivals we pray for our land and those who care for it and across the world for all who are engaged in healing and preserving the integrity of creation.

For this month I will attach a Harvest Liturgy for those of you who wish to pray it at home.Our own hearts may feel fragile too at this time of change and anxiety for many. The man who returns to Jesus to give thanks for his healing in today's gospel is told "your faith has made you well". He cried out to Jesus for help and he noticed his healing and gave thanks - that's what Jesus calls the faith that makes him well. If we have the energy for only a few prayers - may they be to tell God about what we fear, to ask God to show us the good we are receiving and to give thanks for the gifts we notice.

God bless


This week:Harvest Festival at Countisbury Church 3pm Sunday 9th October