Vicar's Newsletter for the third Sunday before Lent.

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Dear Friends,

The hours of daylight are certainly lengthening and in this morning's sunlight here the birdsong and signs of spring are evident.Its a reminder that we are now in the "before Lent" (the word lent is related to "lengthen") Sundays (Ash Wednesday is on March 2nd) and this is a good time to say that if you are coming to church in the next couple of weeks and would like to bring back any Palm Crosses that you have (from last year or before) to be burnt for this year's ash - now is the time to bring them!Jesus is certainly stretching us in today's gospel, challenging the assumptions about what being "blessed" looks like, even as he brings healing to those around him.

In the gospel reading many gather around him seeking that healing and they receive from the power of his presence. Whether you are in church this weekend, meeting him in the word, the sacrament and the company of his brothers and sisters, or at home meeting him, and united through him with all who pray, may his power go out to you to heal and bless you in whatever you are experiencing at this time.The lengthening days are also carrying us towards half term - please keep our schools in your prayers as they come to the end of a very tough half term, and also let's pray for all those who are re-opening business ready for a new season.

God bless


If you have not recieved the February Mission Community newsletter and would like to, please email Sam at [email protected] giving permission for her to add you to her contacts list for this monthly update on dates for serviecs and events.