Dear Friends,
Yesterday I received the first of my Covid 19 vaccinations. I found it an unexpectedly moving and profound experience. As I received it I had an awareness of the connective web of endeavour that we are all a part, and found myself praying and giving thanks for the sacrificial determination of the scientists who have developed the vaccine (knowing only too well from friends what long hours and demand lab work calls for), giving thanks for the cheerful volunteers who around me whose warmth and kindness really mattered, praying for the people I will never meet, but for whom access to vaccines is not as easy as this is for us, in countries where life is much harder too, and above all opening myself to the recognition that we are all one in this corporate effort to make our communities safer from disease by developing immunity ourselves.
Six hours later it was clear that I was going to be one of those who experience the possible feverish side effects of the vaccine quite fully!
Today then, I am still recovering so it seems wise to get the prayers and liturgy for Palm Sunday out to you all without trying to record a video. I am sorry to disappoint those for whom this has become an important part of worship at home, and if, over the weeknd I am able to, I will try to send a recording out later. As Holy Week unfolds I will be sending short reflections out too
God bless
The Reverend Samantha Stayte
The Lyn Valley Mission Community