Our Vicar's Message for All Souls and Remembrance

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Dear Friends,

Unusually, this year we have a Sunday between All Saints and Remembrance Sunday. Because of this I have included with this mailing the prayers used for the Commemoration of All Souls (marked usually on 2nd November). This commemoration gives us a time to remember those we love who have died, entrusting them to God's eternal love.

It is, of course, not long since the nation marked the death of our much loved Queen Elizabeth and for many people this brought very close their more personal bereavements. Today's readings offer us deep assurance that it is God's will to carry us through death into the eternal life Jesus reveals in his death and resurrection. I pray that in all our remembering we can find God's presence comforting us in grief and reassuring us with the hope of life in his closer presence for both those we love, and for ourselves.

Next week there will be services with an Act of Remembrance across the Mission Community:

November 11th 10.45 Act of Remembrance for West Exmoor Federation at Woody Bay station

Sunday 13th November


Holy Communion at Martinhoe


Act of Remembrance at the Town Hall in Lynton followed by a service at St Mary's

Act of Remembrance at Parracombe

Service of Remembrance at Oare Church to which the congregation of Brendon are invited

Also this week - on Tuesday I will be installed as Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral. This is by the Bishop's appointment and the role of a prebendary is to create closer links between parishes and the Cathedral. Later in the year I will be invited to preach at Evensong - perhaps it will be a good excuse for a Mission Community trip to Exeter!

God bless
