Our Vicar's message for the seventh Sunday of Trinity

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Dear Friends,

This comes later in the day than I try to get the Saturday mailing out because I spent the afternoon at a concert given by Ian Lovegrove and some friends. Ian is based at an Ilfracombe church and stepped in at the last minute to play for a wedding at Brendon at the beginning of the month. His venue for today's concert fell through so given his contact with us through helping us out with the wedding he asked if they could bring the music to St Mary's. This for me highlights the gift of simple personal contact - as we get to know each other the scope for co-operation widens and shared creative ventures become more possible.

In the wider church we are praying for this generosity of spirit to be experienced by those from all over the Anglican Communion meeting in person at the Lambeth Conference currently. In our own Mission Community, our Lammas Service at 3pm at Martinhoe tomorrow is another opportunity to meet together and share thanksgiving for the agricultural life we depend on and to enjoy spending time with one another.

Sunday's gospel encourages us to notice how rich we are "before God". Those riches include those with whom we share our faith - in our own churches and further afield. As at Lammas- tide we give thanks for the generosity of God and of those who work the land so that we can share in its bounty, perhaps we can also notice and give thanks for the fruitfulness of friendship and the personal connections we make in daily life.

God bless
