Our Vicar's message for May Day and third Sunday of Easter

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Dear Friends,All the blessings of May Day!

In this week's gospel we are drawn around the fire with the risen Jesus and the disciples as he bids them "Come and have breakfast". The gospel writer says that no one had to ask him if it was him, because they knew it was. There is an informal companionship in this scene that reminds us that God calls us into a closeness that does not always need a lot of words to explain. As we travel into the Easter season, and through the beauty of many spring mornings here, may we sense that closeness in the simple things of our daily life.

Many of you may already know that my planned week of annual leave turned into sick leave, when I tested positive for Covid early in Easter week. I have been left with the fatigue that is being reported as a common symptom so I am having to manage my diary and workload carefully for the time being. I am very grateful for the understanding of the congregations of Barbrook and Parracombe this week who have suggested modifications to the first Sunday of the month service pattern:

9am Parracombe Self - Led Morning Worship

11am Lynton Holy Communion

No service this week at Barbrook.

The May newsletter is available via Sam White (copied into this email). Please drop her and email if you are not on her list, or if more paper copies are needed for your church).

God blessSamantha