Our Vicar's Message for Palm Sunday and Holy Week

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Easter From_the_Vicar
Dear Friends,

This week is Holy Week, when we are invited to make our own journey with Jesus into Jerusalem, through the events of the week, especially the great days of the what is called the Triduum: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day.The liturgy for each of these days draws us into the story, to find our place in the crowd or amongst the disciples. If you have never followed through these liturgies, do consider coming to some of them this year.

We cannot celebrate every service in every church and this is a good time of year to deepen our sense of being the body of Christ across the Lyn Valley by attending services across the Mission Community.Maundy Thursday 7pm Lynton: at this service we enter into the Last Supper, recalling Jesus teaching us to love one another, and giving us the gift of communion. There will be a symbolic recalling of him washing his discples feet (this year I am remaining Covid-cautious and not offering a literal washing of feet), a celebration of Communion and time to watch for an hour recalling his time in the garden of Gethsemane.Good Friday 2pm Lynton: at this service we pause at the Cross, remembering Jesus' passion and death. We listen to the reading of the Passion, we make our own paryers at the cross and we recieve communion, leaving quietly to await what is to come.

Easter Vigil - Holy Saturday 8pm Lynton: we move from darkness to the light of resurrection, listening to readings that tell of the history of our salvation, lighting the first fire of Easter and the Paschal Candle, and sharing in a joyful communion celebration.Easter Day: 6am Countisbury: in the dawning light of the day we, surrounded by the spring countryside we greet the risien Lord.

9am Parracombe: we gather to celebrate the resurrection and share communion

11am Lynton: another chance to gather for Easter communion(If you have not already received the list of these service form Sam please drop an email to get yourslef on her mailing list: [email protected] )

Our Holy Week this year has the backdrop of the images of events in Ukraine. I encourage you to make your walk through these days a pilgrimage with Jesus and a time of deep prayer for the transformation of our world from hatred to love.The team at St Beuno's, a retreat centre in Wales, have created a very beautiful prayer leaflet to draw us into this connection - illustrated with Ukrainian art. You might like to look for it here:https://www.jesuit.org.uk/news/praying-for-ukraine-this-holy-week?mc_cid=332670d073&mc_eid=71b5d24457

God bless the Holy Week we share in person and in prayer,Samantha