Vicar's Newsletter for Passion Sunday

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Dear Friends,

This weekend we enter into Passion-tide, the last weeks of Lent when we turn with Jesus towards Jerusalem and the intensity of all that is to come in Holy Week. We continue to hold in our prayers the peoples of Eastern Europe that in the midst of the suffering of that region the power of love will be seen and felt. This week’s gospel shows us a family taking Jesus in at the point at which he is in danger and showing him the hospitality which expresses their love. Let’s pray for all involved in offering their homes to those who need a place of sanctuary that by Easter many will be discovering the love offered by strangers in the name of human solidarity.

In our own Mission Community there are stirrings of spring life and hope. Today there was a very positive meeting in Brendon where we are seeking to gather a support group for the church to enable either a new PCC or a strong community group to oversee the care of the building to emerge. If you weren’t able to get to this meeting but are interested in offering skills and time for the renewal of church life in Brendon please do drop Sam White ( [email protected]) an email and she will send you a sign up form).

We are in the process of planning a lovely event to celebrate Rogation Day ( 2pm 22nd May) at Countisbury: the plan is to take a walk from the church to the top of Countisbury Hill where we can look out over much of the Mission Community (traditionally you beat the bounds of a parish on Rogation Day). There we will pray for the land and the parishes before coming down to a short service in the church and a time of socialising with tea and cake. We are linking up with the local walking festival that happens that weekend, hoping that it will attract both members of all our churches and members of the wider community who love the land and the place. In order to be able to serve refreshments it would be good to create a team willing to help (it will need some organisation to get supplies to the church!). If you are able to offer to help please contact Carolynn Gold [email protected] who is co-ordinating tea and cake!

I have some news too. This week the following notice of appointment came out from the Bishop’s office:

The Bishop of Exeter has appointed the Reverend Samantha Stayte to be the new Dean of Women in Ministry. Ms Stayte is currently Rector of Lynton, Brendon, Countisbury, Parracombe, Martinhoe and Trentishoe and will continue in her parochial responsibilities when she takes up her new position. The Bishop of Exeter will commission Ms Stayte at the Clergy Conference in Cirencester on Thursday 23rd June.

It is humbling to have been asked to take on this role which has at its heart: “to support and be an advocate for the full inclusion and equality of ordained women in every part of church life”, believing as I do that the health of our church as a whole benefits from the fuller appreciation of the gifts ordained women offer.

Today we are offered the lovely picture in our gospel of Jesus at table with not only Lazarus and the disciples, but also Martha and Mary, each offering something distinct in a place of warm hospitality even while the world outside feels turbulent and challenging. May this be a picture of the church we are able to experience and share in days to come.

God bless, Samantha